How to Play

Setting up the game

Setting Up Your Game
  • Begin by ensuring the Exposed and Ruthless cards are separated, shuffling both decks of cards at the beginning of the game. Note Spanner in the works cards should be shuffled throughout the Exposed Deck.
  • Place each deck in the appropriate spaces on the board.
  • The youngest player starts the game by pulling the first card from the Ruthless deck.
  • We’re throwing you in the deep end. EVERY player's first card must be a Ruthless card.
Exposed Card Deck
  • This deck contains both the standard exposed question cards AND the Spanner In The Works cards. It is the main deck you will pull from throughout the duration of the game (unless the card you pick says otherwise).
Ruthless Card Deck
  • This deck is to be pulled from only on the 1st ice breaker round to begin the game and then as directed by the cards OR when a player has been called out on a Bullsh*t Response. (See the Basics). Trust us when we say, these are the cards you will want to avoid at any cost!


The Basics
  • Each player takes turns pulling a card, reading and answering out loud.
  • Questions must be answered quickly and honestly (we won’t let you get away with being vague).
  • If a player successfully answers the question, they keep their question card and the game continues to the next player on their left.
  • After everyone has answered their first Ruthless Card, all players revert back to pulling from the standard Exposed deck for the remainder of the game, unless directed otherwise. 
  • If a player can not answer their question as it’s not relevant to the group (e.g. ‘which player’s parenting style do you admire the most?’) then their card should go to the bottom of the deck and they draw a new card. 
  • If a player says “I don’t know” or simply can’t/won’t answer - their question needs to go back to the bottom of the pile and they need to pick up a Ruthless card.
  • If a player takes too long to answer or doesn’t answer a question fully and honestly (e.g. gives a vague or generalised response), the question needs to go to the bottom of the deck and they must pick up a Ruthless card and answer immediately).

  • Some Spanner in the Works Card need to be actioned immediately, and others you can hold onto. (See Spanner in the works description)
    If you choose to not immediately action a Spanner in the works card (i.e. you want to save the card and use it later), you are required to have another turn by picking up an additional Exposed card and answering a question immediately. If you pick up a second Spanner In The Works card it must be actioned immediately and can not be saved to use later. 


  • For every successful question answered (fast, honest & specific), you keep a card. 
  • 1 card = 1 point (for both Exposed and Ruthless cards)
  • Spanner In The Works cards are NOT worth any points. 
  • Any response that the group deems as NOT fast, honest or specific = unsuccessful. The question card goes back to the bottom of the deck and no points are earned.
  • If a player has 2 unsuccessful responses back to back, that player must forfeit ALL of their previously collected cards from earlier in the game (i.e. they lose all of their points).
  • Those who access honesty quickly, are most likely to win the game!
Winning & Ending The Game
  • The game can conclude in two ways:
  1. The group can set a 60 minute timer at the beginning of the game and conclude when the timer goes off.


2. The group determines that the game feels near completion.

  • Once the timer goes off OR the group voices that they’re feeling complete, the game ends with a RUTHLESS FINALE. Each player’s FINAL question must be a RUTHLESS CARD.
  • Once the game is finished, players count their collected cards (how many questions they successfully answered) and tally the points.

The player with the most cards at the end of the game, wins.

Spanner in the Works action cards

Spanner In The Works Cards

Throughout the Exposed deck, there are hidden ‘Spanner In The Works’ cards. 

These include the following:

TWIN PLAY**: Pick any other player to answer a question with you. The player who uses the card must go first. This card can be saved and used at any time during the game. 

ALL PLAY**: Every player must answer the question. The player who uses the card must go first, going clockwise around the group. This card can be saved and used at any time during the game. 

SKIP PLAY**: Choose a question you’d like to skip. The question will be passed on to the player on your left (you cannot earn a point for a skipped question - the point goes to the person on your left).  This card can be saved and used at any time during the game. 

RUTHLESS PLAY*: Pick up a Ruthless card immediately. This card cannot be saved and used later in the game.

MYSTERY PLAY**: Create your OWN question to ask another player of your choice - you keep the card and the point for their answer. This card can be saved and used later in the game. 

DEADLY PLAY*: Uh oh. Pick up Ruthless cards for the rest of the game. This card cannot be saved and used later in the game.

See simplified version for the dummies:
* Cards that must be actioned immediately 

** Cards that can be saved and used at any time during the game.

Note: If you choose to not immediately action a card (i.e. you want to save the card and use it later), you are required to have another turn by picking up an additional Exposed card and answering a question immediately. If you pick up a second Spanner In The Works card it must be actioned immediately and can not be saved to use later.